2023 Gallipolis Christmas Parade

Parade line up is at NOON
Parade begins at 1:00 PM

Parade Rules

1. Parade line-up numbers & maps will be emailed the week of the Parade.
2. No other Santa than our REAL SANTA who will be at the end of the parade. We don’t want to confuse our younger parade watchers.
3. Horses, Mules, Ponies, etc. units MUST clean up after live animals as they move through the parade route or have animals equipped with manure bags. Bags are preferred.
4. All parade units must perform in a forward motion, no pauses, stops or back steps.
5. All units must be at the parade area designated in your line-up packet at 12:00 pm, line-up will be coordinated by the local Kiwanis Club.
6. Nothing is to be thrown, passed out, given away, or distributed by anyone riding in the parade or on a float. Walkers may hand items to attendees.
7. No excessive use of sirens or airhorns.
8. Any explicit language, banners, posters, or slogans can result in your immediate dismissal from the parade.
9. Breaking of any rules will result ineligibility to enter into future Gallipolis Christmas Parades.

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